4 Essential Points to buy Japanese Bowls

The art of designing as well as arranging Japanese bowls dates back to the sixteenth Century. Unlike the flawlessly matching settings we tend to see in the UK, Japanese table settings encompasses plates as well as bowls arranged in a balanced yet asymmetric method, with no two pieces matching each other. It has been said…

Incredible benefits of using chopstick rest | My Japanese Homes

Despite daily usage, it unlikely that you give much thought to your eating utensils. Along with most of the western world, Americans use the fork, knife as well as where appropriate, the spoon. Perhaps you dabble with spork, but those seem primarily relegated to elementary school cafeterias as well as random prepackaged plastic utensils. While…

What is Sake Set and why should you use them?

What is Sake Set? Let’s start with the basics, what is sake set anyway? It is the beautiful dish for drinking amazing and healthy sake.  Japanese bowls are closely related to Japanese food culture. One of the most distinctive features of Japanese food culture is that Japanese food holds the vessels in their hands when…

Different types of Japanese bowls | Must-know before investing in them

Japanese bowls are very popular and are widely used by common peoples. These amazing bowls meet your standard. They are modern, have good design, as well as have long usability. The Japanese bowl or else sake set dates back to the sixteenth century. Unlike the flawlessly matching settings we tend to see, Japanese table settings…